PTA Minutes 9.15.2022
9/17/2022 3:32 pm
Florence M Gaudineer PTA Minutes - 9/15/2022
Meeting Started at 7:01 p.m.
President - Jennnifer Rosa
Treasurer - Sheila Sayah
VP of Programs - Marissa Ruggiero
VP of Fundraising - Deana Conlon
Corresponding Secretary - Cat Fuscaldo
Recording Secretary - Melissa Howard
Membership Toolkit Rep - Gina Cocuzza
Principal Report - Mr. Kietly
- Back to School Night will be held on Thursday, September 22nd @ 6PM in person.
- State Testing: Start Strong will be held on September 21 & September 22; I-Ready will be October 4th-7th, NJSLA test scores are in and will be mailed out by next week.
- The School Security System was upgraded during the summer.
- There are marked bins outside of the school for items that parents need to drop off for students to limit the traffic into the building.
- Mr. Kielty is a Certified School Safety personnel.
- New building bell system is working well so far.
- There were 22 Electives added to the schedule which is working out well so far. 8th graders have foreign language each day to prepare them for High School.
- The Musical is scheduled for the first week of December 2nd & 3rd @ Halsey Hall.
- Student Counsel, Environmental Club, Art Club, Homework Club, Newspaper Club ARE BACK!!! Will be held after school (look out for communication on clubs).
- The following were added: Special Education programs, accelerated Math, Program lead the way, Robotics, Journalism to name a few)
- Looking to bring back class trips (transportation is the biggest challenge ($$ is an issue** NOTE: Parents do not chaperone any trips)
- There are currently 3 lunch lines in the cafeteria - this will help mitigate any delays and allow students enough time to finish their lunch without rushing.
Board of Education Report - Paula Saha present in lieu of Hilary Turnbull/Marc Miller
- Encourage parents to come out to the board meetings
- IMC Construction started - all demolition was completed before school started; awaiting delivery of materials; Grand Opening tentative Spring 2023.
- Facilities Upgrade coming soon (Repairs with FMG Heating & Plumbing)
- Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 19th @ 7PM.
Committee Report
- Harlem Wizard scheduled for Sunday, October 16 @ JDHS 2PM
- Tickets on SALE NOW on Membership Toolkit
- Big Dogs Team (principal,Teachers & Parents
- 50/50n Raffle
- Griggstown Pie Fundraiser are back - All communication on Membership Toolkit (Pie pick up in front of FMG on Monday November 21st from 10am-Noon)
- Spirit Wear - Socks & Scrunches available for purchase (There will be a table at Back to School Night of new items).
- 8th Grade Committee - Volunteers are needed!!!
- Welcome Back Teachers & Staff Breakfast - Friday, September 23 (volunteers needed to setup)
- Halloween Dance scheduled for Friday, October 28th (look out communication)
- Half Day Snacks are back!! November 21st & 23rd (Don’t forget to bring cash)
- Parent Teacher Conferences scheduled for November 21st & 22nd
- Box Tops
- Why was recess taken away? Recess is typically for K-5th, the extra time went to academic time.
- Why was Homeroom eliminated? It was eliminated to allow for more academic time. It was approx. 9 minutes of dead time. 1st Period was extended by a few minutes.
- Will there be a Neuro diversity Club? Yes, it is in the pipeline, and we already have a teacher to chair it.
****WE NEED A NOMINATION COMMITTEE - 6 of the Board Members are 8th grade parents they will be leaving after this school year
****VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Please sign up on membership Toolkit
****Next PTA Meeting November 3rd @7PM FMG Cafeteria
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20
- Thursday, January 23
- Wednesday, February 12
- Monday, February 17
- Thursday, February 27
- Thursday, March 20
- Monday, April 14